Ask Mischo Beauty - 5 Tips for a Long-Lasting Manicure

My top 5 tips for a lasting manicure are as follows:
1. The most important step, often overlooked - is the first step! Make sure your natural nail is properly cleaned and dry before applying your base coat. Oils and lotions can prevent the base coat from binding to the nail like it should.
2. Use a base coat. I repeat - use a base coat! Don't overlook the base coat. It serves as a strong foundation for nail polish to adhere to your nail. It also often times contains ingredients which directly nourish the nail (it IS the first product to touch your nail!) - and it also has ridge filling properties. A smooth base and strong foundation is a must for a long-lasting manicure.
3. Apply your nail polish using thin coats. They dry faster and are the key to a manicure that lasts longer.
4. Always seal your manicure with a top coat. This will not only add high shine, but also extend the life of your manicure. Also, reapplying your top coat every two days will also make your manicure last longer.
5. Dry hands and brittle nails can also cause polish to chip. Keep your hands moisturized. Invest in a cuticle oil and use it daily to keep nails strong and cuticles soft, supple and smooth.
I hope this was helpful!
#AskMischoBeauty #AskKitiya