Ask Mischo Beauty
This week's question comes from Leigh, who asked the following:
"Help! While I'm practicing social distancing and staying at home, I'm determined to master my at-home mani! I'm curious to know if nail polish expires? Also, where should I store it?"
Well, nail polish is best used no later than 24 months / 2 years after opening it. Although safe to use after that time period, you shouldn't expect the perfect color, consistency, overall look or ease of application.
Once a bottle is opened, some ingredients will begin to evaporate, causing the nail polish to thicken, separate or even dry out.
The great thing about nail polish is that you do not have to fear it going "bad" with bacteria after opening it, because the solvents are chemically hostile to microbes.
Also, be sure to store your nail polish correctly! Because nail polish has a shelf life of 2 years, you can shorten its life by where you store it. Opt for a cool, dark place w/ a consistent temperature to keep the formulation stable and at optimal performance.
I hope this helps.
#AskMischoBeauty #AskKitiya